Advanced breast cancer patients treated with oral vinorelbine: a prospective and retrospective, observational study – VINOREAL

Advanced breast cancer patients treated with oral vinorelbine: a prospective and retrospective, observational study – VINOREAL

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Brief summary

It is not common practice to reappraise drugs that have been available for many years. Oral vinorelbine tartrate (OV) is a widely used treatment for ABC, with a very good toxicity profile. There are currently few recent studies supporting the effectiveness of OV in a real-life setting. It would therefore be beneficial to document and reassess the effectiveness and safety profile of OV in monotherapy or in combination with other medications (OV-based treatment) in routine practice. 

To achieve this goal, we will be looking at the results from two groups of patients (also called here cohort): those who have already been treated (in the retrospective study part) and those who are currently being treated or will be in the future (in the prospective study part). 

Therapeutic area :
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Phase : RWE
Start Date :
03 May 2023
End Date / Planned study Completion Date :
30 June 2028
Study ID : NIS16760
Sponsor(s) or Co-Sponsor(s) :

Pierre Fabre Médicament, Les Cauquillous, 81500 Lavaur-France 

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