An observational safety study to describe the diarrhoea related discontinuations of extended adjuvant neratinib in HER2+ early breast cancer.

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Multicentre, multi-country, prospective, observational, post-authorisation safety study to describe the incidence of discontinuation due to diarrhoea within the first 3 months of treatment with neratinib, in adult breast cancer patients treated in extended adjuvant in a real-world setting: the NERLYFE study..

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How is the study conducted?

The schema summarizes the study visits:

Nerlyfe schema

The core phase covers the first 3 months of neratinib treatment whereas the extended phase lasts up to 24 months of neratinib treatment.

No specific medical procedures or in-person clinical visits beyond routine care will be required for this study.

Who can take part in the trial ?

To be eligible for the study, participant must fulfill several conditions including the following:

• Adult patient assigned to receive extended adjuvant neratinib as indicated in the summary of product characteristics (SmPC).

• Adult patient having received the educational materials (EM).

• Adult patient having provided consent.

What are the objectives of the trial and how are they evaluated ?

The primary objective of the study is to describe the incidence of permanent discontinuation due to diarrhoea in the first 3 months of neratinib treatment.

The key secondary objectives of the study are:

• Description of diarrhoea patterns (e.g. severity, duration, …).

• Assessment of educational material effectiveness (accessibility, knowledge and adherence).

• Impact of treatment-related diarrhoea on quality of life assessed by a questionnaire.

More information

This study is conduect in Austria, Czech Republic, GermanyUnited Kingdom but also extended to additional European countries depending on the reimbursement status in those countries.


Study primary results :

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